SigMod Example Unbound

Example data graph showing supervision and citation data for researchers, students and publications. pdf expand

We duplicate this graph with input below then format that graph data in a style easily compared with the published figure by converting to index origin one. github HEIGHT 350

We will start with nodes with a colon and relations without. We rely on not having spaces in names to make parsing simpler. github

Researcher:Nils authors Publication:220 Publication:220 cites Publication:190 Publication:235 cites Publication:220 Publication:240 cites Publication:220 Researcher:Elin authors Publication:240 supervises Student:Sten supervises Student:Linda Publication:269 Researcher:Thor supervises Student:Sten Publication:269 cites Publication:235 Researcher:Elin authors Publication:269 Publication:269 cites Publication:240

A line that begins with a relation continues the line above. We write relations in lower case because they looks more distinctive pretty printed. HEIGHT 300

Freeform input now careful to not duplicate nodes. We've worked breadth first here but can string relations depth first using the keyword "which". See Food Web Unbound
